October 20, 2016
October 20, 2016Selenium
Liquid Ionic Selenium Health Supplement
*96 Day Supply*
An advanced aqueous form of Selenium Ions (IsoIonic™)** in clear solution for quicker absorption than tablets or capsules which must first dissolve in the digestive system before being absorbed. Patented, clinically tested professional grade CHD-Fulvic Acid has been added to further increase absorption and enhance overall well-being as fulvic acid has natural anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and detoxification properties.
Selenium Helps to Support:
- Cardiovascular health*
- Healthy cellular replication*
- Spinal health*
- Healthy and normal red blood cell levels*
- Healthy pancreas*
- The immune system*
- Normal fertility*
- Healthy birth weights*
- Healthy aging*
- Normal heart rate and beat pattern*
- Mental health*
- Healthy organ and body tissues*
- Healthy nerve tissue*
- Healthy muscle strength*
- Healthy mucous membranes*
Boost Your Immune System with Selenium
A strong immune system is vital to maintaining excellent health. Our immune system works to protect us from bacteria, viruses and damage caused by free radicals.*There is no better boost for your immune system than Selenium.*
Working with Vitamin E, Selenium is a potent anti-oxidant. It can purge the body of free radicals and prevent damage which can lead to premature aging.* Selenium boosts the immune system in a number of other ways too. Scientists in Brussels discovered that taking just 100mcg of Selenium every day improved the immune system function by nearly 80 percent.
Selenium Keeps Your Cells Healthy
Selenium naturally reduces the retention of toxic metals in the body.* This may be one of the many reasons that studies have found Selenium to be a potent health enhancer.* Selenium helps and contributes to the cells’ ability to properly reproduce themselves.* A study from Cornell University found that a supplement of 200 mcg of Selenium a day doubled the body’s capacity for cell replication. Scientists in Arizona gave a group of men and women Selenium supplements and gave another group placebos over a seven-year period. They discovered that the group taking the Selenium was 42% more likely to replicate cells properly.
The people of Norfolk, England are said to be among the longest-living people in the world. Scientists believe it is due to the high levels of Selenium in their soil. In addition, scientists in Brussels, Belgium, found those taking Selenium on a daily basis improved immune system functions by nearly 80%. While you can’t control the level of Selenium in your soil, you can easily make sure that you get an adequate dose from our Selenium supplement.
* This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
**IsoIonic™ is defined as water-soluble mono-atomic mineral ions.
**Note**Selenium benefits and/or deficiency symptoms are generic for the mineral. No product claims are being made or implied. Research is ongoing.
Why Mineralife Selenium Supplement?
- Prepared from a pure elemental source.
- Angstrom-sized, water soluble minerals (IsoIonic™) provide the greatest absorption and utilization in the body.
- Formulated using our patent-pending MET water, a multi-step purified energy enhanced water that helps activate minerals into their electronically charged ionic state for maximum benefit.
- Contains CHD-Fulvic Acid to enhance absorption and overall well-being.
- 8oz bottle provides 96 day supply.
- Directions for use:
- Recommended dosage: 2.5ml (1/2 tsp) daily in water or juice
- Refrigerate after opening for long-term freshness.
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